Monday, July 16, 2012

How to Treat Yeast Infections Naturally?

Yeast infections are basically caused by the abnormal growth of a fungus known as Candida albicans. This infection is not only preventable but also it can be treated effectively naturally. The common symptoms that indicate the presence of yeast infection include white patches, itching, burning and redness on the site of infection. Here is how you can treat yeast infection naturally without using over-the-counter treatments or prescription medications. 

Eat As Much Yogurt As You Can

Make sure you are eating sugar free, plain yogurt in large amount everyday. Eating yogurt is an effective way to treat yeast infection naturally. It’s due to the fact that yogurt is full of helpful bacteria that kill yeast. Yogurt can be applied topically on the site of infection to get a quick relief from itching and burning and to lighten the redness. You can use a plastic tampon to insert some amount of plain yogurt into your vaginal area in order to treat yeast infection naturally.

Take Up Acidophilus Supplements

While you are battling yeast infection, taking up acidophilus or lactobacillus will help you increase your immunity against yeast infection. This way you will more likely to win the battle against yeast infection. While taking up lactobacillus or acidophilus, carefully follow the directions given on the bottle.

Eliminate Sugary Foods From Diet

Eliminating sugary foods from the diet is another highly effective way to treat yeast infection at home because sugar promotes the growth of yeast. 

Use Garlic Cloves

Garlic is without any shadow of doubt one of the best ways to treat yeast infection naturally. You can not only use garlic cloves externally but also you can take it orally in the supplement form depending on your personal preferences.

Gentian Violet

It is a popular traditional remedy to treat yeast infection naturally. It is not only used to treat yeast infections but also it is equally effective for treating other infections of the same type. You can get gentian violet from any pharmacy. Just follow the directions-for-use and use it twice a day for better results. 

If the symptoms of yeast infection don’t fade away after using all or some of the above mentioned home treatments, you should consult your doctor. Most individuals see effective results by using these yeast infection treatments.

Treat Yeast Infection Naturally

4 Ways to Treat Yeast Infection At Home

Yeast infections are very common among children, men and women of all ages. The main victim of this infection is women of all ages. In women, vaginal yeast infection is caused by the overgrowth of yeast inside the vagina. There are various effective ways to treat yeast infection. Here are four ways to treat yeastinfection at home.

Garlic Cloves

Garlic is one of the best herbs that can be used to treat yeast infection at home in complete privacy. Fresh cloves of garlic can be inserted into the vagina where you have infection. Alternatively, you can take up garlic supplements if you don’t wish to insert garlic into vagina. It gives quick relief from the symptoms of yeast infection that include itching and burning.

Coconut Oil

You can use coconut oil to treat yeast infection at home. This oil has anti-fungal properties due to which it is an effective option for you to treat yeast infection. The right dosage of coconut oil that you should use everyday to get rid of yeast infection is 3.5 TBS. You can use this dose of organic extra virgin coconut oil to cook meals and you can add it into drinks to take it with a glass of water.

Olive Extract

Olive extract is a strong anti-fungal agent. You can take one capsule of olive leaf extract with three main meals of the day to treat yeast infection at home.


Plain yogurt is one of the highly effective home remedy to treat yeast infection at home. It provides instant relief from the major symptoms of yeast infection. It can be used externally and orally. For external use, you can use it in the pads and you should change the pads as needed. You can take bath with water that has a small amount of yogurt in it. Also, you should eat a good amount of yogurt to boost your immune system to make it strong enough to fight off yeast infection.

Once you have started using these home remedies to treat yeast infection at home, you will note quick relief from the main symptoms of yeast infection such as itching and burning. However, if you are pregnant or if you have chronic yeast infection, it is advised to you to avoid treating this infection at home. 

Treat Yeast Infection At Home In Complete Privacy

What Are The Available Yeast Infection Treatment Options?

If you are suffering from a yeast infection, don’t worry because there are a number of effective yeast infection treatments that you can use to cure yeast infections. These treatment options include the following.

Holistic Yeast Infection Treatments

Holistic yeast infection treatments are used to restore the natural balance of microorganisms on the site of infection. There are many holistic treatments available for yeast infection treatment. One of the most effective and popular holistic yeast infection treatments is Yeast Infection No More. These treatments normalize the overgrowth of yeast that causes this infection.

Herbal Treatment for Yeast Infection

Another effective yeast infection treatment option is herbal treatment. In this treatment, a great variety of herbs are used to cure this infection. These herbs include garlic, tea tree oil, oregano oil, apple cider vinegar etc.

Over-the-Counter Drugs and Treatments

They are used without doctor’s prescription for a mild yeast infection. These treatments include anti-fungal creams that come in different strength. They are effective to get instant relief from the painful symptoms of yeast infection such as burning and itching. However, in pregnancy, these creams should be avoided and doctor’s opinion is necessary to use these creams.


They are taken orally in the form of supplements. They are the effective option for yeast infection treatment. These supplements contain certain strains of bacteria that are helpful in treating yeast infections.

Intravenous Treatments

These yeast infection treatments are used if the patient is suffering from the chronic yeast infection. Strong anti-fungal agents are administered into the patient’s body intravenously. These treatments are prescribed to cancer or HIV patients that have weak immune system.

All of these yeast infection treatment options are good to treat any type of yeast infection. However, before using any of these options, it is wise and strongly advised to the patient to first diagnose the actual cause of yeast infection. In case of chronic yeast infection, consult your health care provider and avoid using self medication.

Get Rid of Yeast Infection Permanently

Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to Prevent Yeast Infection

The major cause of a yeast infection is the overgrowth of a fungus called Candida albicans. It is found naturally in the body and can grow anywhere to cause this infection. There are many reasons why yeast infection can occur such as by tight clothing, pregnancy, feminine products, use of some type of medications, and diabetes. Following are some useful strategies that you can use to prevent yeast infection.
  • After taking bath, dry your vagina thoroughly. You should avoid keeping your vagina moist because moisture promotes the overgrowth of yeast.
  • You should not wear tight clothing like nylon panties, tight jeans, pantyhose and those clothes that are made of polyester and other materials like that. Tight clothing doesn't let the air to pass your vagina due to which yeast can grow rapidly.
  • In order to prevent yeast infection, you should wear only underwear made of cotton and pantyhose that has a cotton crotch.
  • After a bowel movement or urination, carefully wipe out your places from front to back. This way you will be able to avoid transfer of yeast from your rectum to your vagina.
  • You should check diapers for soiling. Bear in mind that moisture promotes yeast growth.
  • Douching disrupts the natural vaginal balance which can trigger yeast infection.
  • You should not use feminine hygiene products like bubble baths and feminine sprays. These hygiene products can be very irritating to your vagina.
  • You should avoid using scented pads because they can be irritating to your vagina. In addition, never use scented toilet papers.
  • Eat a good amount of yogurt everyday to boost your immune system.
  • Cut down on your daily sugar consumption because increased sugar levels promote yeast infection in your body.
If you have contracted yeast infection, you can treat it by using over-the-counter vaginal yeastinfection creams that you can buy without prescription. In case of severe yeast infection, consult your doctor.


Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment with Over-the-Counter Creams

Most vaginal yeast infections can be treated with a readily available over-the-countervaginal yeast infection cream, tablet or suppository. These creams can be purchased with a prescription from any large drugstore or pharmacy.

You can use these yeast infection treatment creams according to the given directions that you can find in the cream leaflet. Some of these creams can be applied for 1 day, some for three days while some for 7 days to get a relief from vaginal yeast infection. The ingredients in most over-the-counter vaginal yeast infection treatment creams are same with the other products that you can purchase to cure yeast infection.

How to Use Vaginal Creams?

The simple way to use these vaginal yeast infection treatment creams is to insert them into your vagina. You can do it with the help of an applicator that you can get with the cream. In addition, you can use the applicator to measure the right dose. Some vaginal creams are best for use at night time when you are going to bed, because they can be messy and can ooze out of the vagina.

Suppositories or Tablets for Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment

Suppositories or tablets are different from vaginal yeast infection treatment creams in the sense that they come in different packaging and they get dissolved inside the vagina. They are less likely to ooze out of the vagina. Another difference is their strength as they are more powerful or stronger than vaginal creams. They provide instant relief from itching and burning unlike vaginal yeast infection treatment creams that may take a while to show the results. However, both of these over-the-counter treatments are effective to treat vaginal yeast infection.

If you have severe yeast infection that is not responding to these over-the-counter vaginal yeast infection treatments, you should get medical consultation from your doctor for the effective vaginal yeast infection treatment.

Get Permanent Relief From Yeast Infection

Friday, July 13, 2012

Different Types of Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are very common among all individuals, especially among women. Yeast is found on human skin on the body naturally. It causes yeast infection when it grows rapidly due to some reason. Yeast infections are of different types. The causes of these different types yeast infections are almost same most of the time. All of the different types of yeast infections can be prevented and treated easily. Following are the main types of yeast infections.

Vaginal Yeast Infection

Vaginal yeast infection is of the most common infections in women. It affects about 80 to 90 percent of all women at some point in their life. The main causes of vaginal yeast infection include birth control pills, diabetes, pregnancy, unprotected sex, hormonal changes etc.

Oral Thrush or Oral Yeast Infection

One of the most common types of yeast infections is oral yeast infection that is also known as oral thrush. In this infection, white patches are formed inside the mouth of the infected individual. A fungus called Monilia Albicans is the main trigger of this infection. This fungus attacks the oral cavity and throat of the victim.

Systemic Candidiasis

If the yeast is found in the bloodstream, it may trigger systemic candidiasis. This type of yeast infection is common in HIV AIDS or cancer patients.

Skin Yeast Infection

Yeast infection on skin occurs in the form of the skin rashes and itching. In this type of infection, yeast thrives in the moist skin areas such as underarms, groin, lower abdomen, under the breasts, between the fingers and toes, under the folds of buttocks etc.

Yeast Infection in Infants

In infants, yeast infection is transmitted wither at the time of delivery from the infected mother or through breastfeeding. Thrush is the most common type of yeast infection in children. Children are at the high risk of developing this infection because their immune system is weak.

Yeast Infection in Men

Male yeast infection that is also called penile yeast infection is caused by a variety of reasons. This infection is rare in men but it cam be very painful. The main causes of yeast infection in men include unprotected sex, diabetes, poor hygiene, weak immune system, use of antibiotics etc.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to Get Rid of Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Nothing can be as uncomfortable as a yeast infection. It can cause itching and burning in your vagina. This condition can ruin your social life. If a yeast infection is left untreated, it can take several days or even weeks. It can be treated by several ways that include prescription drugs, OTC treatments and natural remedies that you can use at home. Here is your guide about how to get rid of a yeast infection.

Eat Garlic

Garlic is an effective yeast infection home remedy that has anti-fungal affect. It provides instant relief from some of the main yeast infection symptoms that include itching and burning. You can eat a clove of garlic. As an alternative to this, you can buy garlic capsules from a health-food store or from the grocery store.

Eat Plain Yogurt

Plain yogurt is one of the most effective yeast infection home remedies. It is full of human-friendly bacteria that help you fight off this painful infection. It not only boosts your immunity but also it helps you restore the natural balance of organisms inside your vagina. You should eat yogurt as much as you can while you are battling yeast infection. In addition to this, you can use yogurt to take bath and you can apply it on the site of treatment.

Use Over-the-Counter Medications

Another thing that you can use to get rid of yeast infection is the over-the-counter medications. If you don’t see any change in your vaginal yeast infection, you should consider using over-the-counter medications.  You can find these medicines from local pharmacy without prescription. You can apply these anti0fungal creams directly on the site of infection.

By using these methods, you can have yeast infection no more. If you are having chronic yeast infection, you should avoid using any home remedy. Likewise, if you are pregnant, you should avoid using self-medication. You should immediately consult your health care provider in order to get rid of yeast infection. 

Click Here for Permanent Yeast Infection Treatment